Core Values

We conduct ourselves with integrity in everything we do. We insist on transparent and honest business dealings. We treat people how we would like to be treated.

We do what we say we are going to do. We hold each other accountable. We believe in rigorous self-evaluation to continually learn and improve. As investors, we know that results matter. Investors expect excellent performance and we care deeply about the results we produce.

We embrace a collaborative work environment. We value input from all team members and we demand open discussion and debate. We believe that teams that argue produce better results.

We embrace creative thinking and new approaches. We never stop seeking improvement. We actively seek new value oriented investment ideas across asset classes.

We have passion for what we do. What we do does not feel like work to us. We care intensely about being successful and have infinite energy for what we do.

We say what we think. We make tough decisions. We question actions that are inconsistent with our values. We are calm and level headed, often at our best, in the face of uncertainty and risk.

Our experiences have trained us to handle adversity. We are battle tested. We maintain a long-term orientation and believe some of the brightest opportunities present themselves at the darkest time.

While we are deadly serious about our work, we don't take ourselves too seriously. We are approachable and we care deeply about relationships.